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Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
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Knowledge Transfer Web Hub

“HKUST Knowledge Transfer Hub” is to develop a web portal to consolidate all information regarding knowledge transfer. Previously several units in HKUST are supporting knowledge transfer activities at different stages of development. Dedicated websites have been built and maintained by each unit.

These dedicated websites are crucial in providing detailed information and services for each unit. However, for external individuals or organizations looking for overall Knowledge Transfer activities at HKUST, it would be ideal if there is a one-stop website that allows them to get a holistic view of the entire KT chain at HKUST as well respective responsibility and activity of each unit.

The web portal is built to consolidate all information from different units by synchronizing / content import including startup information, events, news, technical information, etc. A CMS platform is also built for different units to manage their own content, so as to keep information up-to-date and allow the public to access the Knowledge Transfer of HKUST more easily and efficiently.

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